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Let's Learn

Become A

Warrior in Spiritual Warfare

With Our ​Teachings

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CHRISTIAN School of soldiers

This is a three months training course that will assist Christians to engage in spiritual warfare and be warriors in the spiritual battlefield.

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Training ordinary Christians to become Warriors!

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About Us

The School of Soldiers is training institution for Christian Soldiers all over the world, to instill spiritual warfare principles, engage them to partake and to guide believers on matters pertaining to the two Kingdoms at war. Unlike the physical soldiers that we know are protecting our countries against physical attacks; Christian soldiers are fighting an unseen but real battle spiritually against the devil and his cohorts. The trainings shall be done virtually and in person through manuals, attending classes and boot camps

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About Our


• By the end of the training, the trainees will understand that they are the soldiers in the army of God and know their positions in the battlefield as well as weapons of war available for every believer.

• They will be able to identify and stand up against the schemes, the strategies and the deceit of the devil (Ephesians 6:11).

• They will be able to uproot and breakdown, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant over nations and kingdoms according to Jeremiah 1:10.

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• Trainees will identify their individual calling of God upon their lives.

• They will be able to stand in the gap as watchmen for the body of Christ and nations (Isaiah 62:6-7)

• They will be able to differentiate between evil altars and Godly altars, and how to tear them down

Each person will know their specific specialty in warfare.

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Study group

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Our Courses

We offer both online and in-person trainings in three ​different courses. You can not register for intermidiate ​or advanced courses without doing the beginner ​course.

  • Beginner's Course: Becoming a Soldier-introduces a ​soldier into spiritual warfare.
  • Intermidiate Course: Becoming a Warrior : ​introduces a soldier into spiritual ranks and ​specialitites.
  • Advanced Course: Soldiers in Combat-introduces a ​warrior into combat formations and techniques.
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About Our

Online Courses

  • · Each module will take two weeks; exercises, activities and assignments will be given before the end of every module.
  • ·Manuals and videos will be sent to individuals; we will also have WhatsApp groups and zoom meetings for discussions.
  • ·We will keep prayer watches where individuals will lead prayers because prayer is the battle ground for warfare.
  • ·We will have one on one meeting for every course between the trainers and trainees for close monitoring.
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Apostle Buhle Mdingi

About Our

Students testimonials

SOS helped me alot in ministry as an Apostle to stay ​alert and aware that the kingdom of God is not safe ​without soldiers who risk their lives for protection of ​their Kingdom.

SOS changed my prayer life made me realized that I ​must watch and pray always not forgetting to pay ​attention to the instructions of my commander-in-​chief. I learnt more about the spiritual weapons that ​are used in spiritual warfare and how to use them ,

- Aircraft

- Fire machines

- Submarines.

As an Apostle I now have a new understanding about ​ministry I'm called to produce fighters who are not ​scared of the war.

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Nondumiso Ndzeku

About Our

Students testimonials

My name is Nondumiso Ndzeku, I am grateful to God ngo Apostle Colleen Mapatwana and the School Of Soldiers. There is a lot that has been taught in the beginners course and all of it is important, but my testimony will be in module 2, where we were taught about military branches, spheres where we fight in as soldiers and the cartegories of soldiers.

I used to think that we fight anywhere and any how as long as we fight against evil spirits, but I realised that it is very important to know where you are called to fight and also know the evil forces according to their dimensions and territories. I also realised that not all soldiers are called to fight, some are called to protect and others to terrorise. It is very important for all soldiers to engage in fasting and prayer because it is the most important weapon to win in battle.

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Millie Nguse

About Our

Students testimonials

This has been an equipping study. Realizing that I am part of the ​warfare between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of ​darkness even if I am not aware, that was an eye opener for me. ​This meant that once I am saved, I am then an enlisted soldier in ​the Army of God and as a soldier there is a lifestyle that I am ​subjected to and training that I have to undergo. At the end of ​lesson one I could understand the reason why the Holy Spirit ​allows and makes me go through some trainings. “My people ​perish because of lack of knowledge”, This course equipped me ​with knowledge that transformed my soul making me fit for ​warfare and opened my eyes to certain truths about me and the ​battlefield.

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Mrs N Mthembu Cele

About Our

Students testimonials

As Christians we have weapons of war that we use in ​the battle field. As Paul said. We are not fighting ​against flesh and blood but against forces and ​authorities and against rulers of darkness and ​powers in the spiritual world.

Before we engage in war, we need to know the types ​of battles we are fighting, so to know the weapons ​we need to use.

In oder to successfully use these weapons, we need to ​have bodies that are holy and pleasing to God.

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Aluncedo Jikijela

About Our

Students testimonials

My highlight is module 3: it is about warriors code of ​conduct which is about the behaviour, values, ​professional qualities that a warrior must possess. ​Forgeting not;Warrior ethos which are the ​foundation of the army. This charpter instills the fact ​that; to be a warrior requires one to lay down his/her ​life. Lastly it teaches of the weapons that are in our ​disposal and the necessity to have them all. ​Mentioned above has been my learning curves.

Miss A jikijela

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Anna Madolo

About Our

Students testimonials

I am so greatful to be one of the egistered learners in the ​school of soldiers as I gained a lot.

My hghlight was the categories of soldiers where i learnt ​that soldiers are different and operate in different areas in ​the battlefield. I was able to identify which spjere I operate ​in exactly, anotherthing I also realised that as an enlisted ​soldier of Christ I have a duty to protect the kingdom of ​God. Woow there's a lot that I have learnt and I thank God ​for Appostle Mapatwana who God has imparted with such ​great information and knowledge. Anna Madolo, Centane

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Most Popular

Modules Offered

Soldiers Standing and Saluting

How to become a soldier?


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marine corps hat vector illustration
marine corps logo vector design
Airborne badge. Winged military emblem. Force patch

Military Branches


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Jagdkommando Soldiers Special Forces

Army Values &

Warrior ethos


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World War 1 Tanks. German soldiers attack on a British Tank. Tanks had blind spots and were vulnerable to grenades. Germans developed special bullets and anti-tank rifles. Drawing ca. 1916-18.  (BSLOC_2013_1_156)

Weapons of War


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Modules Offered

Disguised Soldier Shooting Target

Firing positions


two weeks

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Acc. No. 2207968495

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